The Fellowship of the Inner Light was created by Paul Solomon
as a non-denomination organization for a common meeting ground
universal spiritual studies, regardless of one's religious
beliefs or background. The Fellowship has no dogma or teachings
as its
foundation other than the understanding that we are One in
Spirit. The Fellowship has always worked to introduce folks
to a wide a
range of spiritual studies such as metaphysics, Yoga, Christianity,
contemporary studies such as the Course in Miracles, to name
a few examples. In other words, anything that would help the
find that personal relationship with the Universe.
The first formal meeting of the Fellowship occurred on the first Sunday of October, 1972 in a little house on Shallowford Road located in the northeast part of Atlanta. Less than a dozen people attended that first meeting. Over the next few years the Fellowship would grow worldwide, serving thousands of folks, providing information from the Source readings, presenting Inner Light Consciousness (a personal development program designed from the Source readings) and establishing many chapters in different countries.