The Findhorn Foundation is the educational and organisational
cornerstone of the Findhorn Community, and its work is based
on the values
of planetary service, co-creation with nature and attunement
to the divinity within all beings. We believe that humanity
is engaged
in an evolutionary expansion of consciousness, and seek to
develop new ways of living infused with spiritual values. We
have no formal
creed or doctrine. We recognise and honour all the world's
major religions as the many paths to knowing our own inner
The Findhorn Community was begun in 1962 by Peter and Eileen Caddy
and Dorothy Maclean. All three had followed disciplined spiritual
paths for many years and had been specifically trained to follow
God's will. They first came to northeast Scotland in 1957 to
manage the run-down Cluny Hill Hotel in the town of Forres. This
they did remarkably successfully. Eileen received guidance in
her meditations from an inner divine source she called ‘the
still small voice within’. Peter ran the hotel according
to this guidance, following to the letter the instructions of
the "voice" in complete faith. In this unorthodox way
- and with many delightful and unlikely God-guided incidents
- Cluny Hill swiftly became a thriving and successful four-star
hotel. After several years however, Peter and Eileen's employment
was terminated, and with nowhere to go and little money, they
moved with their three young sons and Dorothy to a caravan in
the nearby seaside village of Findhorn.