The Brotherhood of the White
Temple is an organization devoted to the advancement of Metaphysical
and Occult knowledge and the furtherance of the Brotherhood of Man
and the establishing of contact with the God-Soul or Universal Consciousness.
It is governed by a Supreme Voice and Council and by an Executive
Board of Directors under a Colorado Charter. The Council consisting
of six individuals who have proven their dedication to the purpose
of the Brotherhood. All lessons are prepared under the direction
of the Supreme Voice and Council and approved by the Great White
Lodge before being made available.
The Supreme Voice and Council test every law, principle, experiment
and exercise before they are given to the student.
The Brotherhood is a visible agent for the Invisible Great White Lodge, whose authority they acknowledge in all things.
The earnest, sincere student who desires to approach the Great Adepts is given the opportunity to prepare himself for contact with the Great Adepts.
The Great Adepts of the White Lodge, working from higher spiritual planes, guide and aid the student who has made himself ready for such aid. Through this guidance they are directed along the path of life, in such manner, that they are able to live in harmony with Divine Law.
The Brotherhood extends an invitation to all worthy, sincere students to affiliate
in the Great Work. It is your privilege to be a Light-Bearer if you will.