1Q29 F.1
(...) (...) the stone, just as the LORD commanded
....) and your Urim.
And it (the cloud?) shall come forth with him, with the tongues
of fire.
The left-hand stone which is on its left side shall be uncovered
the whole congregation until the priest finishes speaking and after
cloud has been lifted ... And you shall keep (...) the prophet has
to you (...) (...) who counsels rebellion (...) (...) the LORD your
God (...)
(...) (... the) right-hand stone when the priest comes out (...)
three tongues of fire from the right-hand stone (...)
(from ...) (...) and after he goes up he shall draw near to the
(...) (...the LORD) your God (...) (...Blessed is the God of Israel)
(...) (...) among them all. Your name (...) (...and an) abundance
strenght, honored (and awesome...) (...)
(...) these words, according to all (...) (... and then) the priests
shall interpret His will , all (...) (...) the congregation (...)
(... O Children of Israel, keep all of these words) (...)
(... to do) all (...) the number of commandments (...) (...) their
F.1 Col.1
(...) the anointed priest upon whose head has been poured
the anointing oil ... and he shall offer a bull of the herd and
a ram
(...) for the Urim.
and your Urim. And it (the cloud?) shall come forth with him,
with tongues of fire. The left-hand stone which is upon its left
shall be uncovered before the whole congregation until the priests
finishes speaking.
And after the cloud has been lifted (...) And you shall keep (...)
and the prophet
has spoken to you.
according to this entire commandment. And if the Leader of the
whole nation is in the camp or (if ...) his enemy and Israel with
or if they march on a city to throw up a siege against it,
or in respect to any matter which (...) to the Leader (...) the
field is far (...)