Namibia: Calm Returns to School Terrorised By 'Demons'


The Namibian Email This Page Print This Page The Namibian (Windhoek) June 19, 2006 Posted to the web June 19, 2006

CALM has returned to the Mumbwenge Combined School in the Ohangwena Region in the wake of claims that demons have terrorised the school for nearly a year.

Ohangwena Director of Education, Josia Udjombala, told The Namibian: "The school has reported to me that the big problem they had has now stopped, seemingly for ever."

Last July, some children from Mumbwenge Combined School in the Ombalamumbwenge village near Oshigambo, claimed to see supernatural beings and started screaming and fainting during classes.

Various church organisations visited the school to pray for its pupils, their parents and teachers.

Ondonga King Immanuel Kauluma Elifas sent senior members of his Traditional Council to familiarise themselves with the situation and reported back to him.

The school also called in the help of traditional healers, a practice that led to the suspension of the school Principal, Helena Makili, on January 6.

According to Udjombala, Makili's suspension had been necessary because of investigations into allegations that Makili's actions had caused chaos and endangered the lives of people at the school.

She had allowed witchdoctors to come to the school and become involved in school matters, something that was not permitted at schools, Udjombala said.

He also charged that Makili allegedly failed to discipline pupils who assaulted their schoolmates during and after the fainting spells.

Udjombala and teachers appointed teacher Magnaem Shiimi as acting Principal until the investigation was completed.

Udjombala told The Namibian that the investigation into Makili's case had been completed and recommendations made by the Disciplinary Committee had been submitted to the Public Service Commission and the Office of the Prime Minister for their final decision.

The Namibian spoke to parents of children attending classes at Mumbwenge Combined School, most of who wanted Makili to be reinstated.

"We are happy that demons are no more at the school, but we are appealing to our Director of Education to reinstate our principal again," said one of the parents who did not want to be named.