
Attention!! I do not support the ideas and opinions expressed by these groups. And I am not associated in any way to them. The ideas and opinions expressed are responsability of the sources. The objective of this section is to show different beliefs, sometimes extreme.*

Islamic extremism (112 articles)
White extremism (20 articles)
Political extremism (81 articles)
Other extremsit groups (58 articles)
Jewish extremism (7 articles)
Hispanic extremism (5 articles)
War crimes 12 articles)
Worst extremist attacks (last 5 years)
September 11, 2001- Al-Qaeda
Russian teather siege,- Chechen rebels
Beslan school siege- Chechen rebels
Madrid train bomb attack - Al-Qaeda
London train bomb attack - Al-Qaeda
Islamic extremism (112 articles
Al-qaeda Afganistan
Al-Zawahiri: Egyptian militant group joins al Qaeda Aug 06
Al-qaeda FAQ
Jihad against americans
Al-qaeda Iraq
At least 250 insurgents in Najaf killeJan 07
Arab press: Violence to continueJun-06
How al-Zarqawi shaped his insurgencyJun-06
Hamas Palestine
Hamas FAQ
Hamas: The Organizations, Goals and Tactics of a Militant Palestinian Organization.
Hizballah Lebanon
Army puts curfew on Beirut after clashes kill four
Islamic fighters in Chechnya Chechnya
Mastermind of Russian school siege killedJul-06
Chechen rebel leader Sadulayev killedJul-06
Jemaah Islamiya Indonesia
Bali terror cleric freed from jailJun-06
Jemaah Islamiya Jun-06
Khmer Rouge Cambodia
Khmer Rouge judges begin workshop Jul-06
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) Palestine
Palestine Liberation Front (PLF) Palestine
US islamic groups US
FBI: Three held in New York tunnel plotJul-06
Other organizations
At least 174 killed in Indian train blastsJul-06
Jewish extremism
Kahane Chai Israel
Kahane Chai (Kach)
Kahane Official site
Other organizations
Obadiah ShoherJun-06
Jewish defense league
Lehi or Stern
Some articles
Abbas accuses Israel of state terror Jun-06
Israel's Sinister Designs
Hispanic extremism
La Voz de Aztlan USA, California
La Voz de Aztlan Official website
America's 'Palestinians'
El Plan de Aztlan
How American Zionists are Manipulating U.S.
Black Extremism
Black Panther Party
Black Panther Official website
Black Panther legacy
General extremist news
30 Racist Murders Committed in Russia This Year — Armenian Diaspora Leader Jun-06
International Terrorism
Special interest extremism
Animal Liberation Front
Earth Liberation Front
European Institute of Protestant Studies site
White extremism (20 articles)
Aryan Republican Army USA
The Aryan Republican Army
White supremacist bank robbers aid McVeigh
Neo-nazi Skinheads
Frequently Asked Questions about Skinheads
Ku Klux Klan
Charges filed 42 years after Mississippi racial slayingsJan 07
Other groups
American nazi Party USA
Aryan Nations USA
The Boeremag South Africa
Ku Klux Klan
National Alliance USA
National Association for the Advancement of
Silent Brotherhood
White Aryan Resistance (WAR) USA
World Church of the Creator
Political extremism (81 articles)
ETA Spain
Mexico City bomb blasts hit court, party HQ, bankNov 06
Leftist rebels claim responsibility for Mexico City blasts; demand Oaxaca governor resign
PER Mexico
IRA Ireland
Sinn Fein Official site
Nation of Islam United States
Nation of Islam official site
Sendero Luminoso (Shining Path) Peru
Sendero Luminoso (Shining Path)
FARC Colombia Colombia
Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia FARC
Leaders, dictators
Hussein executed with 'fear in his faceDec 06
Iraqis react with joy, anger to Hussein death sentence Nov 06
APPO Mexico
Mexican police arrest head of Oaxaca activistsDec 06
Mexico riot police re-take Oaxaca Oct 06
Oaxaca to Rage until Governor QuitsOct 06
Other political organizations
Alex Boncayao Brigade (ABB) Philippine
Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) Congo
Anti-Imperialist Territorial Nuclei (NTA) Italy
Armenian Secret Army For The Liberation Of Armenia Greece
Anarchy, libertarian groups
Organizations and sites
Anarchy magazine
An Introduction to Capitalism and Anarchy
What is Anarchism?
Right wing, minarchy and anti-government groups
Organizations and sites
American Renaissance
The Last Ditch
General articles
Iran hosts Holocaust conferenceDec 06
Classification of international Terrorism
Classification of Domestic Terrorism
Terrorism: An Overview
Patterns of Global Terrorism, South Asia Overview



*Webmaster note: I consider the following acts and ideas to be extremist in nature, and the all of the sites included in this subsections contain at least one characteristic of these:
2.-Racism (white, black or hispanic)
7.-Anti-government (separatism, pro-independence, liberation, revolutionary)
9.-Anti-capitalism or free markets
11.-Religious violence (islamic, christian or jewish)
12.-Any form of ethnic or religious supression, attack or confinement
13.-Promotion of hate against any ethnic or religious group