(1) Description
"The Voynich Manuscript, which has been dubbed 'The Most Mysterious
Manuscript in the World', is named after its discoverer, the American
antique book dealer and collector, Wilfrid M. Voynich, who discovered
it in 1912, amongst a collection of ancient manuscripts kept in
villa Mondragone in Frascati, near Rome, which had been by then
turned into a Jesuit College (closed in 1953)."
- Jacques Guy
"From a piece of paper which was once attached to the Voynich
manuscript, and which is now stored in one of the boxes belonging
with the Voynich manuscript holdings of the Beinecke library, it
is known that the manuscript once formed part of the private library
of Petrus Beckx S.J., 22nd general of the Society of Jesus."
- René Zandbergen, G. Landini, "Some new information
about the later history of the Voynich Manuscript". See "Voynich
MS history after 1600" for the most current info.
"The manuscript counted at least 116 folios, of which 104
remain. The folio size is 6 by 9 inches, but some folios are two
or three times that size and are folded. There is one large composite
of six times this size (18 by 18 inches). Both the illustrations
and the script of the manuscript are unique. As long as the script
cannot be read, the illustrations are the only clue about the nature
of the book. According to these illustrations, the manuscript would
appear to be a scientific book, mostly an illustrated herbal with
some additional sections."
- Gabriel Landini and René Zandbergen, "A Well-kept
Secret of Mediaeval Science: the Voynich manuscript, Aesculapius
July 1998
Folio 78r (detail)
"Wilfrid Voynich judged it [the Voynich Manuscript] to date
from the late 13th century, on the evidence of the calligraphy,
the drawings, the vellum, and the pigments. It is some 200 pages
long, written in an unknown script of which there is no known other
instance in the world. It is abundantly illustrated with awkward
coloured drawings. Drawings of unidentified plants; of what seems
to be herbal recipes; of tiny naked women frolicking in bathtubs
connected by intricate plumbing looking more like anatomical parts
than hydraulic contraptions; of mysterious charts in which some
have seem astronomical objects seen through a telescope, some live
cells seen through a microscope; of charts into which you may see
a strange calendar of zodiacal signs, populated by tiny naked people
in rubbish bins."
- Jacques Guy
"Prof. Sergio Toresella wrote a paper on 'alchemical herbals'
that resemble the VMs in having pictures of fantasy plants and written
spells, enchantments, and incantations (although in easily understood
- Dennis Stallings, "Voynich mini-FAQ"
"Dating at least to 1586, the manuscript is written in a language
of which no other example is known to exist. It is an alphabetic
script, but of an alphabet variously reckoned to have from nineteen
to twenty-eight letters, none of which bear any relationship to
any English or European letter system. The manuscript is small,
seven by ten inches, but thick, nearly 170 pages. It is closely
written in a free-running hand and copiously illustrated with bizarre
line drawings that have been water-colored: drawings of plants,
drawings of little naked ladies appearing to take showers in a strange
system of plumbing (variously identified as organs of the body or
a primitive set of fountains), and astrological drawings - or what
have been interpreted as astrological drawings. Since the Voynich
Manuscript is at the Beinecke Rare Book Room at Yale [catalogue
number MS 408], it is accessible to any serious scholar."
- Terence McKenna, The Archaic Revival
"Nobody knows, but the many illustrations suggest some kind of alchemy book, that somebody may have wanted to keep secret. The manuscript has several parts identified from the illustrations (although there is no guarantee that these are the subject matter of the sections):
· a Herbal section (mostly unidentified and fantastic plants),
· an Astronomical section (with most zodiac symbols), ·
a Biological section (with some 'anatomical' drawings and human
figures), · a Cosmological section (with circles, stars and
celestial spheres), · a Pharmaceutical section (with vases
and parts of plants) and · a Recipes section (with many short
In addition there are:
· pagination and gathering (signature) numbers, ·
several 'key-like' sequences throughout the book, · some
old German writing (most probably added later), · names of
the months in the astronomical section (probably added later) ·
a few instances of extraneous writing (different from the rest of
the manuscript) · text not in 'Voynich script' in the last
folio reading something like 'michiton oladabas...' suggesting a
key to decryption...
- G. Landini and R. Zandbergen, The European Voynich Manuscript
Transcription ProjectHome Page
"An expert in alchemy, Adam McLean, has ruled out the possibility
that the VMs is a primarily alchemical text."
- Dennis Stallings, "Voynich mini-FAQ"
"...At the time when the Voynich manuscript was thought to
have originated - the late medieval or early Renaissance period-the
craft of cryptography was still relatively unsophisticated. Many
medieval ciphers were just exercises by idle monks in the margins
of otherwise straightforward manuscripts: words written backward,
or with the vowels replaced by dots."
"The evolution of European cryptograms was largely driven by
the need to conceal sensitive information. The Italian city-states
and the Vatican were pioneers in the genre; in 1379, Clement VII,
the first of the Avignon popes, had separate cryptographic systems
constructed for each of twenty-four correspondents. Other ciphers
were used to conceal alchemical and magical writings, which their
authors considered too powerful - or too incriminating - to fall
into the wrong hands."
- Lev Grossman, "When Words Fail: The Struggle to Decipher
the World's Most Difficult Book", Lingua franca, April 1999
"In a well-known text on medieval paleography, list members
[of the Voynich list server] have found embellishments of letters
in a note that are dead ringers for the VMs' 'gallows letters'.
The date of the VMs is most likely the late 1400's because of the
script's similarity to a "humanist hand" style that only
saw use during several decades of the 1400's, and because the nymphs'
hairstyles point to 1480-1520."
- Dennis Stallings, "Voynich mini-FAQ"
(2) Ruldoph's Collection
"The man is insane who writes a secret in any other way than
one which will conceal it from the vulgar and make it intelligible
only with difficulty even to scientific men and earnest students."
"Certain persons have achieved concealment by means of letters
not then used by their own race or others but arbitrarily invented
by themselves."
- Sir Rober Bacon, Letter on the Secret Works of Art and the Nullity
of Magic
Folio 67r (detail)
"Historically, it [the VMs] first appears in 1586 at the court
of Rudolph II of Bohemia, who was one of the most eccentric European
monarchs of that or any other period. Rudolph collected dwarfs and
had a regiment of giants in his army. He was surrounded by astrologers,
and he was fascinated by games and codes and music. He was typical
of the occult-oriented, Protestant noblemen of this period and epitomized
the liberated northern European prince. he was a patron of alchemy
and supported the printing of alchemical literature. The Rosicrucian
conspiracy was being quietly fomented during this same period."
"To Rudolph's court came an unknown person who sold this manuscript
to the king for three hundred gold ducats, which, translated into
modern monetary units, is about fourteen thousand dollars. This
is an astonishing amount of money to have paid for a manuscript
at that time, which indicated that the Emperor must have been highly
impressed by it. Accompanying the manuscript was a letter that stated
that it was the work of the Englishman Roger Bacon, who flourished
in the thirteenth century and who was a noted pre-Copernican astronomer."
"Only two years before the appearance of the Voynich Manuscript,
John Dee, the great English navigator, astrologer, magician, intelligence
agent, and occultist had lectured in Prague on Bacon."
- Terence McKenna, The Archaic Revival
A number of years later, according to Sir Thomas Browne, Dee's son, Arthur, spoke of a mysterious book that his father owned - a "booke containing nothing butt Hieroglyphicks, which booke his father bestowed much time upon: but I could not heare that hee could make it out".
"The manuscript somehow passed to Jacobus de Tepenecz, the
director of Rudolph's botanical gardens (his signature is present
in folio 1r) and it is speculated that this must have happened after
1608, when Jacobus Horcicki received his title 'de Tepenecz'. Thus
1608 is the earliest definite date for the Manuscript."
- Dennis Stallings, "Voynich mini-FAQ"
"Codes from the early sixteenth century onward in Europe were
all derived from The Stenographica of Johannes Trethemius, Bishop
of Sponheim, an alchemist who wrote on the encripherment of secret
messages. He had a limited number of methods, and no military, alchemical,
religious, or political code was composed by any other means throughout
a period that lasted well into the seventeenth century. Yet the
Voynich Manuscript does not appear to have any relationship to the
codes derivative of Johannes Trethemius, Bishop of Sponheim."
- Terence McKenna, The Archaic Revival
(3) Recent Attempts at Decipherment (1944-1986)
"There have been many more attempts [at decipherment] that
did not result in publication because the would-be solvers honestly
admitted to defeat...In 1944, from among specialists in languages,
documents, mathematics, botany, and astronomy then doing war work
in Washington, William F. Friedman [a cryptologist famous for breaking
the ultrasecret Japanese PURPLE cipher] organized a group to work
on the problem."
- David Kahn, The Codebreakers
Folio 83v (detail)
"From a cryptanalytic point of view, the challenges they faced
were highly technical. Among them was the task of arriving at a
standardized method of transcribing the Voynich alphabet, which
is more difficult than it sounds. Many of the Voynich characters
are identical but for tiny variations and embellishments that may
or may not have any significance. The danger of reading two similar
characters as one-equivalent to confusing the letter o with a zero-or
treating one slightly variable letter as several was unavoidable.
Nevertheless, the study group managed to perform a few statistical
analyses on samples of the Voynich text using early IBM tabulating
and sorting machines."
"Some intriguing facts emerged. First, the analysis determined
that the text of the Voynich manuscript is highly repetitive. In
places, the same word appears two or three times in succession,
and words that differ by only one letter also repeat with unusual
frequency. Overall, the vocabulary of the Voynich text is smaller
than it should be, statistically speaking, and although in general
the words are unusually short compared to Latin and English, there
are, upon close inspection, almost no one- or two-letter words.
Intriguingly, Friedman saw a similarity between this statistical
profile and that of a synthetic, universal language created by the
seventeenth-century philosopher John Wilkins, something like a proto-Esperanto."
- Lev Grossman, "When Words Fail: The Struggle to Decipher
the World's Most Difficult Book", Lingua franca, April 1999
"Unfortunately, by the time they [the Washington team] had,
working after hours, completed the task of transcribing the text
into symbols that tabulating machines could process, the war was
over and the group disbanded...."
- David Kahn, The Codebreakers
"In 1976 Captain Prescott Currier gave a paper in which he
showed that, judging from the handwriting, the Voynich Manuscript
must have been written by at least two different people, and that
the two texts differed markedly in the frequency distribution of
their letters and combinations."
- Jacques Guy
"The discovery of the two 'languages' in the Herbal Section
was the principal reason for transcribing and indexing this material.
It was hoped that by application of comparative techniques to the
Herbal A and B texts, ostensibly dealing with identical subject
matter, some clue to the nature of the two 'systems of writing'
might be forthcoming. The results were completely negative; there
was no sign of parallel constructions or any other evidence that
was useful in this regard. It was impossible not to conclude that
(a) we were not dealing with a 'linguistic' recording of data and
(b) the illustrations had little to do with the accompanying text.
Study of other sections of the Manuscript where 'A' and 'B' texts
are found has produced nothing to alter this conclusion. Further,
it has so far proved impossible to categorize or to classify grammatically
any series of 'words' or to discern any use patterns that that would
suggest any recognizable syntactic arrangement of the underlying
text. Perhaps even more important, I have been unable to identify
'words' or individual symbols in either language' to which I could
assign even tentative numerical values. It seems quite incredible
to me that any systems of writing (or a simple substitution thereof)
would not betray one or both of the above features."
- Captain Prescott H. Currier (USN Ret.)
"Captain Currier received an A.B. in Romance Languages at
George Washington University, and a Diploma in Comparative Philology
at the University of London. He began his cryptologic career in
1935, and was called to active duty with the Navy in 1940. He has
served in many distinguished capacities in the field, and from 1948
to 1950, was Director of Research, Naval Security Group. Since his
retirement in 1962, he has continued to serve as a consultant. His
interest in the Voynich manuscript has been of very long standing,
and he has devoted an impressive amount of rigorously scientific
analytic effort to the problem in recent years."
- New Research on the Voynich Manuscript: Proceedings of a Seminar
"There have been several purported breaks, including one rather
recent one, but none has been widely accepted....Mary D'Imperio,
author of The Voynich Manuscript: An Elegant Enigma (1978), [is]
the most detailed and scholarly study to date of this document (reprint
available from Aegean Park Press). It uses Prescott Currier's notation,
which is described in her monograph."
- Jim Gillogly
"Due to the lack of success in the decipherment, a number
of people have proposed that the manuscript is a 'hoax'. The manuscript
could either be a 16th century forgery, to be sold for a hefty sum
to emperor Rudolf II, who was interested in rare and unusual items
(Brumbaugh, 1977, deriving from earlier unpublished theories), or
a more recent one by W. Voynich himself (Barlow, 1986). The latter
is effectively excluded both by expert dating of the manuscript,
and by the evidence of its existence prior to 1887."
"One problem with the earlier hoax theory is that, as will
be shown, certain word statistics (Zipf's laws) found in the manuscript
are characteristic of natural languages. In other words, it is unlikely
that any forgery from 16th century would 'by chance' produce a text
that follows Zipf's laws (first postulated in 1935)."
- Gabriel Landini and René Zandbergen, "A Well-kept
Secret of Mediaeval Science: the Voynich manuscript, Aesculapius
July 1998
(4) A Cathar Manuscript?
Levitov's Decipherment
Folio 82r (detail)
"...Dr. Leo Levitov, author of Solution of the Voynich Manuscript
[1987], presents the "thesis that the Voynich is nothing less
then the only surviving primary document of the "Great Heresy"
that arose in Italy and flourished in Languedoc until ruthlessly
exterminated by the Albigensian Crusade in the 1230s."
"The little women in the baths who puzzled so many are for
Levitov a Cathar sacrament, the Endura, 'or death by venesection
[cutting a vein] in order to bleed to death in a warm bath'. The
plant drawings that refused to resolve themselves into botanically
identifiable species are no problem for Levitov: 'Actually, there
is not a single so-called botanical illustration that does not contain
some Cathari symbol or Isis' symbol.' The astrological drawings
are likewise easy to deal with: 'The innumerable stars are representative
of the stars in Isis' mantle'.'
"Levitov's strong hand is translation. He asserts that the
reason it has been so difficult to decipher the Voynich Manuscript
is that it is not encrypted at all, but merely written in a special
script, and is 'an adaptation of a polyglot oral tongue into a literary
language which would be understandable to people who did not understand
Latin and to whom this language could be read.' Specifically, a
highly polyglot form of medieval Flemish with a large number of
Old French and Old High German loan words."
- Terence McKenna, The Archaic Revival
"The person who is knowledgeable about aid, knows there is
only one way to treat agonizing pain. He treats each one by putting
them through the Endura. It is the one way that helps Death. Not
everyone knows how to assist the one with pain. The one who is with
death, and does not die will have pain. But those who have such
pain of death, need his help. He understands the need. He is also
aware that the person who needs help does not know that he needs
it. We all know that everyone of them needs help and each of us
will be available to help."
- Voynich Manuscript (as translated by Levitov)
"There is fortunately one fragmentary record of Albigensian
belief which has survived....I refer to the Cathar Ritual of Lyons
which is now well know having been published in 1898 by Mr. F. C.
- A. E. Waite, Holy Grail
"The excerpt is the ritual of consolamentum, which is...the
baptism with the Holy Spirit by laying on of hands that made one
a full Cathar."
- Dennis Stallings (private correspondence)
Criticism of the Cathar Theory
Dennis Stallings pointed out that there are other reliable records
of Catharism. Montaillou: The Promised Land of Error by Emmanuel
Le Roy Ladurie (translated by Barbara Bray), 1978, George Braziller,
Inc., New York tells about the testimony of peasants meticulously
recorded in the Inquisition Register of Jacques Fournier, Bishop
of Pamiers in Ariège. In it the Endura is described as a
suicidal fast.
"There is no resemblance here to Levitov's claim that Catharism
was the antique cult of Isis - and certainly no truth to the picture
of the Voynich nymphs' opening their veins to bleed to death in
the hot tubs!"
- Dennis Stallings (private correspondence)
"Waite goes on to mention that part of the Lyons Codex contains
'certain prayers for the dying'. The codex is in the langue d'oc.
Does it resemble the Voynich material? We are not told."
- Terence McKenna, The Archaic Revival
"I could never secure a copy of Levitov's book, and had to
rely entirely on pp.21-31, of which Michael Barlow, who had reviewed
Levitov's book in Cryptologia, had sent me photocopies. Levitov's
understanding of the Cathar religion and its rites, from what I
could piece together from the review in Cryptologia, and which are
central to his decipherment of the Voynich manuscript which he claims
is a Cathar prayer book, is, to say the least, rather at odds with
what Fernand Niel wrote in his Albigeois et Cathares (Paris: Presses
Universitaires de France, 1955)."
- Jacques B.M. Guy, On Levitov's Decipherment of the Voynich Manuscript
"The language was very much standardized. It was an application
of a polyglot oral tongue into a literary language which would be
understandable to people who did not understand Latin and to whom
this language could be read."
- Dr. Leo Levitov, Solution of the Voynich Manuscript
"At first reading, I would be tempted to dismiss it all as
nonsense: 'polyglot oral tongue' is meaningless babble to the linguist
in me. But Levitov is a medical doctor, so allowances must be made.
The best meaning I can read into 'polyglot oral tongue' is 'a language
that had never been written before and which had taken words from
many different languages'. That is perfectly reasonable: English
for one, has done that. Half its vocabulary is Norman French, and
some of the commonest words have non-Anglo-Saxon origins. 'Sky',
for instance, is a Danish word. So far, so good."
"...There are only twelve consonant sounds. That is unheard
of for a European language. No European language has so few consonant
sounds. Spanish, which has very few sounds (only five vowels), has
seventeen distinct consonants sounds, plus two semi-consonants.
Dutch has from18 to 20 consonants (depending on speakers, and how
you analyze the sounds.) What is also extraordinary in Levitov's
language is that it lacks a g, and BOTH b and p. I cannot think
of one single language in the world that lacks both b and p. Levitov
also says that m occurs only word-finally, never at the beginning,
nor in the middle of a word. That is correct: the letter he says
is m is always word-final in the reproductions I have seen of the
Voynich MS. But no language I know of behaves like that. All have
an m (except one American Indian language, which is very famous
for that, and the name of which I cannot recall). In some languages,
there is a position where m never appears, and that is word-finally,
exactly the reverse of Levitov's language."
"No European language I know fails to distinguish between singular
and plural in its first and third person pronouns (i.e. I vs we,
he/she/it vs they)."
"...We are here in the presence of a Germanic language which behaves very, very strangely in the way of the meanings of its compound words. For instance, viden (to be with death) is made up of the words for 'with', 'die' and the infinitive suffix. I am sure that Levitov here was thinking of a construction like German mitkommen which means 'to come along' ('to with-come'). I suppose I could say Bitte, sterben Sie mit on the same model as Bitte, kommen Sie mit ('Come with me/us, please'), thereby making up a verb mitsterben, but that would mean 'to die together with someone else', not 'to be with death' . Next, the word order in many 'apostrophized' groups of words (but note that a word often consists of just one single letter), is the reverse of that of Germanic. For instance VIAN 'one way' literally 'way one' is the reverse of Dutch een weg, German ein Weg, and of course, of English 'one way'. Ditto for WIA 'one who', VA 'one will', KER 'she understands' etc. Admittedly the inversion of the subject is quite common in German (Ploetzlish dacht ich: 'Suddenly thought I') but it is governed by strict, clear-cut grammatical rules, conspicuously absent in the two sentences translated on p.31 of the except from his book upon which I am drawing for these comments."
Applying Levitov's rules for translation:
thanvieth = the one way (th = the (?), an = one, vi = way, eth
= it)
faditeth = doing for help (f = for, ad = aid, i = -ing, t = do,
eth = it)
wan = person (wi/wa = who, an = one)
athviteth = one that one knows (a = one, th = that, vit = know,
eth = it.)
(Here, Levitov adds one extra letter, A, which is not in the text,
getting his ATHAVITEH, which provides the second "one"
of his translation)
anthviteth= one that knows (an =one, th = that, vit = know, eth
= it)
atwiteth = one treats one who does it (a = one, t = do, wi = who,
t = do, eth = it. .
(Literally: "one does [one] who does it". The first "do"
is translated as "treat", the second "one" is
again added by Levitov: he inserts an A, which gives him ATAWITETH)
aneth = ones (an = one, -eth = the plural ending)
"Levitov's translation of the above is: 'the one way for helping
a person who needs it, is to know one of the ones who do treat one'."
- Jacques B.M. Guy, On Levitov's Decipherment of the Voynich Manuscript
"A complete translation of the more than 200 pages waits in
the wings - a long, arduous and possibly unrewarding task."
- Dr. Leo Levitov, Solution of the Voynich Manuscript
(5) The Current State of Research
"In 1991 a loose international collective of researchers drawn largely from outside the academy coalesced around an email list devoted to the manuscript. 'It's very orderly,' says Jim Reeds, a list member and statistics Ph.D. who works in an AT&T laboratory. 'Everyone is listened to politely, even the crackpots.' Together the members maintain a massive archive of Voynich-related information; the network is spread out over dozens of interlinked Web sites that offer images of the manuscript, large chunks of transcribed text, a concordance, and even Voynich fonts. Recently, discussion has focused on the cipher's repetitiveness; several members have argued that it can be explained by a 'verbose' cipher, one that substitutes several cipher letters for each letter in the plaintext."
Folio 88r (detail)
"The collective has also renewed the effort to produce a valid
machine-readable transcription of the Voynich manuscript. Gabriel
Landini, who lectures at the University of Birmingham's School of
Dentistry, and René Zandbergen, a systems analyst in the
German aerospace industry, are now working to consolidate and reconcile
all the existing transcriptions into one single version; they will
then transcribe the rest of the Voynich text to produce one definitive
computer file from which conclusive statistical results can be obtained."
- Lev Grossman, "When Words Fail: The Struggle to Decipher
the World's Most Difficult Book", Lingua franca, April 1999
"Computer analysis of the Voynich Manuscript has only deepened
the mystery. One finding has been that there are two 'languages'
or 'dialects' of Voynichese, which are called Voynich A and Voynich
B. The repetitiousness of the text is obvious to casual inspection.
Entropy is a numerical measure of the randomness of text. The lower
the entropy, the less random and the more repetitious it is [i.e.,
aaaaaa]. The entropy of samples of Voynich text is lower than that
of most human languages; only some Polynesian languages are as low."
"Tests show that Voynich text does not have its low h2 [second
order entropy] measures solely because of a repetitious underlying
text, that is, one that often repeats the same words and phrases.
Tests also show that the low h2 measures are probably not due to
an underlying low-entropy natural language. A verbose cipher, one
which substitutes several ciphertext characters for one plaintext
character [i.e., 'fuf' for the letter 'f'], can produce the entropy
profile of Voynich text."
"The low entropies of the VMs text could be the results of
a writing system that uses several letters for one sound, and from
the paradigms that the majority of words of the text follow. Tests
on known texts show that the "A" and "B" languages
may simply be due to different subject matter, different authors,
or one author over a long period of time."
- Dennis Stallings, "Voynich mini-FAQ"
(See "Understanding the Second-Order Entropies of Voynich
Text" for details.)
"One could devise many character substitutions with dummy spacing,
apply it to a text, and obtain a new texts that reasonably fits
the statistics of the VMS, but that alone is not a proof of decipherment.
At least we now know that it is possible to simply code a plaintext
and explain a reduction of h2 as observed in the Voynich Manuscript.
- G. Landini, "The 'dain daiin' hypothesis", 9 July 1998
For example, taking a Latin phrase (from the Vulgate Bible):
in principio creavit Deus caelum et terram
then substituting " dain " for the letter "n"
and " daiin " for "m", the phrase becomes:
i dain pri dain cipio creavit deiis caelii daiin et terra daiin
A comparison of the amount of information contained in each 'word'
of the Stars section of the Voynich MS (using the Curva alphabet)
with the words in Genesis chapters 1-25 (Vulgate) and De Bello Gallico
(Latin) revealed: ·"The apparent words in the Voynich
Ms appear to be really words. They are as varied as the words in
Latin texts of a similar length. ·"The first and second
character of Voynich words (using the Curva alphabet) have lower
entropy than in Latin. The Voynich words contain more information
from the third character onwards (in the conditional sense). ·"The
word-initial statistics of Voynichese are matched by one example
of an artificial language (which postdates the VMs by at least one
and a half centuries). ·"The statistics of Voynichese
and a Mandarin text written in the Pinyin script (using a trailing
numerical character to indicate tone) are very different. ·"A
word game to translate Latin to Voynichese must:
Increase predictability of word starts
Make words shorter
Maintain the length of the vocabulary."
- René Zandbergen , "From digraph entropy to word entropy
in the Voynich MS"