Web Directory / Web directories
AllSearchEngines (http://www.allsearchengines.co.uk) - Lists the major search engines and directories.
AllTheWeb (http://www.alltheweb.com/) - Search engine. Search with a simple interface. Also offers picture, video, MP3 and FTP search.
Altavista (http://www.altavista.com/) - Search engine and directory. The default search results consist of GoTo and results from the Altavista spider (over 500M pages).
AOL Search (http://search.aol.com/) - Search engine and directory
Ariadna (http://ariadna.elmundo.es/buscador/) - Buscador basado en Google.
Ask Jeeves (http://www.askjeeves.com/) - Search engine and directory. Answers all your questions asked in plain English.
Bonzi.com (http://www.bonzi.com/bonziportal/index.asp) - Search engine.
Bubl Link (http://bubl.ac.uk/link/) - Directory in some research topics.
EntireWeb.com (http://www.entireweb.com/eng/) - Search engine. Claiming over 80M documents.
Excite (http://www.excite.com/) - Provides search, news, email, personals, portfolio tracking, and other services.
Galaxy Search Engine (http://www.galaxy.com/) - General search engine.
Gigablast (http://www.gigablast.com/) - General search engine.
GoGuides (http://www.goguides.org/) - Web directory.
Google (http://www.google.com/) - Search engine and directory. Employs text-matching techniques
GoshDarn (http://goshdarn.com/) - Search engine.
HotBot (http://hotbot.lycos.com/?query=) - Search engine and directory. Advanced feaures.
Infoseek (http://infoseek.go.com/) - Search engine and directory
The Internet Public Library (http://www.ipl.org/) - Resources on many subjects, including dictionaries, encyclopedias, science, computers and arts.
Ixquick (http://www.ixquick.com/) - Meta buscador.
Jayde (http://www.jayde.com/) - B2B search engine.
Joeant (http://www.joeant.com/) - General search engine.
Looksmart (http://www.looksmart.com/) - Search engine and directory
Lycos (http://www.lycos.com/) - Search engine and directory. Displays matches from sites part of the Lycos Network and very popular sites first. Then follow Open Directory results, sometimes followed by results from the Lycos crawler.
Mamma (http://www.mamma.com/) - Search engine.
MSN Search (http://search.msn.com/) - Search engine and directory
NorhternLight search engine (http://www.northernlight.com/)
Omplace (http://www.omplace.com/) - Search engine and directory
Open Directory Project (http://dmoz.org/) - Searchable Web directory compiled by volunteer editors.
Portalmix (http://www.portalmix.com/misterios/buscador.shtml) - Buscador de esoterismo.
Qango (http://www.qango.com/) - Directory and search engine.
Red Hot Chilly (http://www.redhotchilli.co.uk/) - human-edited UK Directory.
Redesearch (http://www.redesearch.com/) - multi search engine.
SurfWax (http://www.surfwax.com/) - Search engine.
Thefane.org (http://www.thefane.org/flink4.htm) - Small directory of religion and esotericism.
Teoma (http://www.teoma.com/) - Search engine. Compares links of sites that are subject relevant.
TopOfEverything.com (http://www.topofeverything.com/) - Directory.
TotalSeek.com (http://www.totalseek.com/) - Search engine and directory. Powered by Altavista
Turbo10 (http://turbo10.com/) - Search engine.
Urava (http://www.urava.com/) - Web directory
Vivísimo (http://vivisimo.com/) - Search engine
WhatUSeek (http://www.whatuseek.com/) - Directory and search engine.
WiseNut (http://www.wisenut.com/) - Search engine. Employs a context-sensitive ranking algorithm to return search results by degrees of relevance. Almost 1.5 billion pages.
WWW Virtual Library (http://www.vlib.org.uk/) - Search engine and directory
Yahoo (http://www.yahoo.com/) - Search engine and directory. The first large scale directory of the Internet.
Zeal (http://www.zeal.com/) - User-contributed and maintained web directory with ratings and reviews.
Aardvark's Magick Search (http://www.magick-search.uuuu.ch/search.html) - Excellent collection of occult and esoteric directories and search engines.
Alternate Realities in Art and Thought (http://esotericart.com/fringe/search.htm) - Collection of esoteric and spiritual directories and search engines.
Leidenuniv.nl (http://www.leidenuniv.nl/ub/biv/specials.htm#Par56) - A large collection of specialized search engines.
Academic Info - World Religion Gateway (http://www.academicinfo.net/religindex.html) - Index of links divided in categories: alternative spirituality, baha'i faith, biblical studies, buddhism, christian studies, gnosticism, hinduism, holocaust studies, islamic studies, jewish studies, mythology, native american religions, paganism, rastafarianism and wicca.
All Things Spiritual Directory (http://www.allspiritual.com/) - Directory of religion and spiritual sites.
Ancient World Web (http://www.julen.net/ancient/) - A large list of sites devoted to all things ancient. It includes several categories: aternative theories, archeology, art, cities, history, institutions, language, philosphy, mythology, religion and science.
Ariadnespider (http://www.ariadnespider.com/) - Directory of sites related to paganism, includining: art, divination, gay, goddess, left hand, literature, magick, music, new age, pagan, the east, wicca and witchcraft.
Avatarsearch (http://www.avatarsearch.com/) - Extensive list of sites on diverse categories: the occult, esotericism, dark paths, magick and religion. Indexed by popularity.
Babylon Search (http://babylon.darkvoid.net/) - Search engine on the following subjects: dark paths, occultism, magick, gothic, vampires, paranormal and skinheads.
Branwen's Pagan Directory (http://www.branwenscauldron.com/paganweb.html) - Witchcraft, Wicca and New Age directory of metaphysical resources, listing sites for all practitioners of pagan religions, the occult, and magickal arts.
Creedopedia (http://www.creedopedia.com/) - Search engine and encyclopedia on religion and creeds
DrKioni.com (http://drkioni.com/) - DrKioni.com features a search engine and directory for locating live spiritual and metaphysical advice, plus related products and services.
Esoteric Links Directory (http://www.esotericlinks.com/links/themeindex.html) - Links to esotericism, pagan, wiccan, myhtology, occultism and divination sites.
Esoterism.com (http://esoterism.com/links/index.html) - Broad-based search engine covering a wide variety of interests: esotericism, magick, wicca, witchcraft, paganism, divination, lost civilizations, ufos, the paranormal, religion and spiritualism.
Facets of Religion (http://www.bcca.org/%7Ecvoogt/Religion/) - Extensive directory of religion and spiritual sites. It includes christianity, buddhism, hinduism, zoroastrianism, islam, jainism, sikhism and judaism.
Godserver.com (http://www.godserver.com/) - Alternative Health and Spiritual directory.
Hidden Path Esoteric Search engine (http://www.ebo.com.au/hidden/) - Occult and Esoteric Search Engine and directory. Includes several topics: divination, angels, fairies, new age, magick, literature, healing, paganism and wicca.
HorrorFind (http://www.horrorfind.com/) - Links to sites on monsters, vampires, werewolfes, the paranormal, magick and occultism.
IntoIslam Islamic Search Engine (http://www.intoislam.com/) - IntoIslam Islamic Search Engine & Directory offering complete Islam topical and geographical coverage
Internet Underground (http://www.internetunderground.com/) - Links to dark, gothic, punk and religion sites.
Metalogix (http://astrologix.de/metalinx/index.html) - Directory of sites on astrology, divination, mysticism, new age, religion, parapsychology and unexplained phenomena.
MetaSpiritual Top 100 (http://members.listsitepro.com/cassiel/index.shtml) - Directory of religion and spirituality sites.
NewAge On-Line - Pagan, Wicca, Magick, Occult (http://www.newage.com.au/links.pages/magick.html) - List of wicca, pagan, occult and magick links
Northern Ligh Search - religion and spirituality (http://www.northernlight.com/nlquery.fcg?qr=%22religion%2band%2bspirituality%22) - Directory of religion ans spirituality sites.
OccultFind.com (http://www.occultfind.com/) - List of occult sites. Indexed by popularity.
Occult100 (http://www.occult100.com/) - List of occult sites. Indexed by popularity.
OmPlace (http://www.omplace.com/) - Spirituality and esoteric directory.
Pagan Search (http://www.pagansearch.co.uk/) - Directory of sites on paganism, magick, wicca, divination and mythology.
Pagan Internet Links (http://pil.pagancentric.org/) - Directory of sites on paganism, religion and spiritual paths.
Psychonomicon - Links (http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Aegean/8563/index.html) - Small directory of esoteric sites.
The Pagan Pride Search Engine (http://cgi.occultsites.plus.com/cgi-bin/MyEngine/results.pl?o=pagan) -
Religion on the Web (http://users.ox.ac.uk/%7Eworc0337/serious/religion.html) - Links to different religion sites. Including christianity, buddhism, islam and hinduism.
Religion-Online.org (http://www.religion-online.org/) - Large collections of links on theology, history of religion and churchs.
Religion Resources (http://www.academicinfo.net/religindex.html) - Collection of links on christianity, the bible, buddhism, islam, hinduism and paganism.
ReligiousResources.org (http://www.religiousresources.org) - Directory of sites on christianity, the bible, theology, organizations and religious texts.
Religious text and resources (http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/rs/texts.html) - Religious texts site. Contains many links to sites on religious texts.
Rutdgers University - Virtual Religion Index (http://religion.rutgers.edu/vri/index.html) - Directory of links. Includes religious studies, archeology, philosophy and psychology links.
Spiritsearch (http://spiritsearch.com/) - Directory of sites on divination, healing, faiths and practices and spirituality.
SpiritLinks (http://www.spiritonline.com/links/) - An occult and metaphysical search engine and directory. It includes divination, magick, wicca, the paranormal, astrology and dreams sites.
SorcerySearch.com (http://www.sorcerysearch.com/links/pages/index.shtml) - A large, searchable assortment of links to sites of various interests: divination, new age, magick, new age, occultism and the paranormal.
Sunsteam - religion (http://www.sunsteam.com/search/dir/Arts%2Band%2BCulture/Religion/) - Directory of sites on different religions.
Sunwyn's Home Page (http://www.geocities.com/Athens/7326/) - large set of links to pagan sites on the web.
Top 100 Mystical Sites (http://members.listsitepro.com/mystic/index.shtml) - List of mystical and occult sites. Indexed by popularity.
The Mystica (http://www.themystica.com/) - List of occult and spiritual sites.
Valasearch (http://www.valasearch.com/) - Search directory and resource guide for the paranormal, the occult and the spiritual on the web.
Witchcrawler (http://www.witchcrawler.com/) -
World of alternatives (http://www.worldofalternatives.com/) - Links to new age, pagan and wiccan sites.
World Religions, Beliefs, History, Art & Cultures (http://www.homestead.com/wysinger/religions.html) - Extensive list of religious and spiritual resources links.
Zenzibar - Religion (http://www.zenzibar.com/beta/directory.asp?cat=R) - Directory of sites on different religions.
1,000,000 Paranormal Links (http://www.zerotime.com/onemillion/links/) - Directory of sites on paranomal phenomena. Including ufos, crop circles, vampires, ghosts and extraterrestrials.
Amazing Anomalies (http://www.linkhitlist.com/cgi/LHL_E.exe?SLHL&ListNo=48230368969) - Paranormal search engine and links.
Anomalyinfo - Links (http://anomalyinfo.com/links/index.htm) - Paranormal directory.
DarkSide of the Net (http://www.darklinks.com/) - Directory of sites on dark paths, dark literature and art, occultism, vampires and the paranormal.
The Ghostly Gateway Paranormal Search Engine (http://search.npri.co.uk/) - The Ghostly Gateway is the UK's first search engine dedicated to the paranormal.
Mysteries-Megasite (http://www.mysteries-megasite.com/home.html) - Directory of sites related to Bible mysteries, acupunture, astrology, cryptozoology, NDE, UFOs, prophets, pyramids, ghost, new science.
Myth & Mystery (http://www.mythandmystery.com) - Directory of paranormal, alternative science and conspiracy sites.
ParanormalSeek (http://www.paranormalseek.com/modules/weblinks/) - Paranormal directory with news and thousands of links for paranormal phenomena, haunted places, psychics, Area 51, conspiracies, the unexplained and other supernatural phenomena.
ParaSeek.com (http://www.paraseek.com/) - The Paranormal search engine.
Paraweb (http://www.theparaweb.com/) - Paranormal directory.
UFO Seek (http://www.ufoseek.com/) - The Paranormal and UFO Search Engine and directory.