
Web Directory / Extremism


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General (19)
Anarchy Groups (9)
Christian extrem. (32)
Christian identity (11)
Jewish extremism (8)
Revisionism (3)
Right wing (6)
Nihilist (1)
Other Extremist L. (6)


Columbia Internation Affairs Online - Terrorism in the Name of Religion (http://www.ciaonet.org/pub/ram01.html) - Essay.

Conflict and Religion (http://conflict-religion.boker.tv/) - News and discussion.

The Hate Directory (http://www.bcpl.net/%7Erfrankli/hatedir.htm) - Hate groups on the internet

Intelligence project (http://www.splcenter.org/intelligenceproject/ip-index.html) - monitor of extremist sites and groups.

Intelligence Resource Program (http://www.fas.org/irp/world/para/) - A list of terrorist organizations.

The International Policy Institute of counter-terrorism (http://www.ict.org.il/) Profiles of groups and some links.

Naval Postgraduate School - Terrorism (http://library.nps.navy.mil/home/terrorism.htm) - Papers on terrorism.

Odio Cristiano a la WWW (http://www.angelfire.com/extreme/genio/odiocristiano.html)

Palestinian organizations (http://www.al-bab.com/arab/countries/palestine/orgs3.htm) - Description of palestinian organizations including some extremist groups.

Patterns of Global Terrorism 2002 (http://home.swbell.net/maurylee/links.html) - From US State department.

Southeastern Connecticut Gang Activities Group (http://www.segag.org) - Some resources on terrorist and extremist groups

Terrorism: Questions and Answers (http://www.terrorismanswers.com/groups/hezbollah.html) - Description of group and resources.

The Terrorism Research Center - Terrorist Group Profiles (http://www.terrorism.com/terrorism/ETA.shtml)

The Terrorism Research Center - ETA (http://www.terrorism.com/terrorism/ETA.shtml) - Description and history.

Terrorismfiles.org (http://www.terrorismfiles.org/) - Description of group, news and resources

Tolerance.org (http://www.tolerance.org/maps/hate/index.html) - Site dedicated to promote tolerance.

US Department of State - Patterns of Global Terrorism 2001 (http://www.state.gov/s/ct/rls/pgtrpt/2001/html/)

US Department of State - Terrorist organizations. (http://www.state.gov/s/ct/rls/pgtrpt/2001/html/10252.htm)

Websites with Oppressive or Right-wing Agendas (http://www.publiceye.org/lnk_rit.html)